Monday, June 24, 2013

In Shape vs In Condition - inspired by the butt kickin' I take in JQuick's Bootcamp!! ;-)

Read Colossians 2:8-10
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;..."

"There's a difference between being ‘in shape’ and being ‘in condition’.” In his signature deep baritone, that’s what my friend and spiritual brother - Mr. Jason Quick (JQuick) says. He is a professional boxer and military vet (and phenomenal personal trainer) who just so happens to be in remarkable physical shape AND even better physical condition! I’s ridiculous to watch some of things this brotha can do and does consistently to keep himself in such good shape....and condition. Crazy! His words come to mind every time I hear some brolic, muscle-bound dude brag about their workout regimen or how much weight they can bench. J.Quick would say something like, "it ain't nothin' necessarily wrong with having huge muscles, ya understand...but can they keep up with me? What's their stamina and endurance like, though? They wouldn’t last 5 minutes in one of my boot camps." Ha! :-) JQuick's physical fitness philosophy is that if you are in good physical condition, i.e. heart health, stamina, endurance via cardio and eating right.....then the shape will naturally follow AND remain longer.

I was reminded this morning of how much the modern, 21st century quasi-“gospel message” focuses much on shape and little, if any, attention is given to condition. It’s a pretty shallow “gospel” that focuses more on the potential side effects and peripheral benefits than it does the Cross of Christ and the reason...the why behind it. Tell me if any of THIS sounds familiar:

"Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.  He cares about you and wants to be a part of your life. If you’re sick, He’ll make you well. If you’re poor, He’ll make you rich. Just come forward, accept Him....decide for Jesus and ask Him into your heart. Health, wealth and prosperity can be yours but for a limited time only. Enter now while supplies last!”

Aiight, that last part mighta been a bit exaggerated, I’ll admit. But's only just a little. :-/ I did that for the purpose of highlighting this point: the sad reality is that the prevailing "gospel message" of the modern, westernized church...the one that's getting the most airplay on this side of the Atlantic has humanity’s Redeemer; our Messiah; the living Word and visible image of the invisible God reduced to something like a self-help guru/genie in a bible. Seriously, though. It's cray! It’s like Jesus has become the Hebrew Deepak Chopra or somethin'! All Jesus wants to do is make us happy and wealthy and confident so that we can have our best life, now! :-) It's like...our satisfaction was His primary reason for coming to earth and giving His life for us. And on the face of it, a lot of folks would have absolutely NOOOO problem with that gospel presentation above. I of the it are true. God is love.  He can and does forgive. He does desire relationship with us. God does bless those who belong to Him. However, a faith or doctrine that focuses or is based on the "byproduct" - however legitimate it might be - without giving primary attention to the nucleus...the core; the...ahem the crux (the Latin word meaning "cross") can and most times does lead to error or at best...a superficial, depthless love and understanding of who Christ is.

Look at it like this: similar to how lots of people wanna workout just to get that supermodel body and that athletic physique rather than exercising for the primary - and more important - inward health, there are far too many people who experiment with this Jesus Christ/Christian thing for the unguaranteed and unfounded notions of no problems and an easier life. Oh the rude awakening that awaits! Their putting the cart before the horse! And last I checked...carts to pull horses. ;-) Fact is, Jesus PROMISED tribulations...PROMISED THEM! (John 16:33) God says that the flood waters come for us ALL - saved or not.  So above all, it’s about having a sure foundation to hold you when - not if - they come. (Matthew 7:24,25) A superficial gospel won’t do that. God often allows sickness and poverty to overtake us in order to teach us things that we could not learn otherwise. His goal isn’t to make our life comfortable, safe and predictable but to make us holy. The cross of Christ was not for the purpose of bringing money to us or making us healthy. It was for the purpose of redeeming our souls and the re-conditioning of our hearts. The very real danger of propagating this “gospel-lite” is that it creates very disingenuous, shallow and ripe-for-disappointment converts....that, in turn, either turn into nominal, powerless “Christians” or very embittered unbelievers. The Gospel message with no mention of the Cross of Christ, sin, the penalty of death for sins, repentance or any true explanation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, etc. aka that foundational, conditioning regimen -  is no complete Gospel presentation, at all. I know to some....maybe most...that may sound harsh.....but isn't most true conditioning? The outside aesthetics, i.e. joy, peace, contentment, patience....abs, pecks, biceps and triceps etc. will come.....but they'll LAST only when the inside, redemptive work is done. Be conditioned, y'all. Right, JQuick? ;-)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

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