Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Specks for Big Eyes - To Thy Own Log Be True...FIRST

Read Matthew 7:1-5
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged.  For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.  Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

Okay.....without a doubt, that verse is probably one of the most frequently quoted (or misquoted) and often misused & abused verses in all the bible. Flat out! It's been twisted to mean we can't say someone's action or lifestyle is wrong. From celebrities and reality TV personalities to the young mother on the bus cussin' out her 3 year old son on the bus and all peoples in between - folk are constantly telling other folk "DON'T JUDGE ME!" or "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!!!" It's usually (but not completely) used by people to justify a wrong behavior when they're pretty much gettin' called out on it. Lord knows that I've used the old, "God said 'don't judge me'", mantra to excuse some of my questionable behavior in the past.

Here's the thing, though: #1 - what verse 5 of this passage essentially explains is that we are to FIRST judge ourselves in wisdom i.e. our own life; our own motives & actions - and THEN as a result, our perception may be such that we can properly and justly judge another or “remove the speck out of the brother’s (or sister's) eye.” Simple. As the author Oswald Chambers rightly put it, "I have never met a man I could despair of after discerning what lies in ME apart from the grace of God." Look...the restriction in this passage of Scripture is not meant to stop one - in any sense or to any extent - from ever judging another or prevent the use of legitimate discernment. The command doesn’t take away the believer’s duty from making moral distinctions. It isn’t a blanket statement against ALL critical thinking. “Judge not...”, in context, refers to a final and/or condemnatory those who criticize, self-righteously. It’s a call to be discerning first rather than negative.

#2 Prematurely judging something or someone is no bueno. When we prematurely judge a thing (a person; a motive, etc.) we, consequently, don't leave too much wiggle room for understanding, compassion, grace, empathy, etc. When we develop itchy trigger fingers that are quick to draw and rush toward a premature determination, we don't allow for the possibility - however remote - of our own potential error; our own misunderstanding and oversight. I mean, shoooo....what're the odds that we in our brilliance may actually make wrong judgments, right?....(Warner said sarcastically) ;-) Ignoring and/or being oblivious to our own capacity for wrong doing - aka sin - is the quickest way to bring us to a place of unjust judgement towards others.

One mo' thing...our judgments should NEVER be based on your own biases. Like, NEVER. Just as a rule. Let's not use ourselves and our own imperfect preferences as the standard of judgment & righteousness (or right standing) but rather always…ALWAYS CHRIST. Got it?

Judge, indeed. Just don't be a jerk about it. :-) Just do it rightly, man. (John 7:24) Do it justly. Begin with YOU.

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

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