Friday, June 28, 2013

Cops & Robbers?

Read Romans 3: 19,20
“Now we know that whatever the Law says, it says to those who are under the Law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight for by the Law is the knowledge of sin."

Read Galatians 3:24
“Therefore the law was our tutor (a chaperon; a guardian) to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”

So yesterday, I'm riding my super duper deluxe, black beauty of a Schwinn - up Nostrand Ave. in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Now, Nostrand Ave is a one way street and I was admittedly going in the opposite direction of traffic. I know....I know. However, it wasn't during a busy time of the day AND because I live right off of Nostrand Ave - a few blocks away from where my trek began - I didn't think much of it. (Now, see how I tried to justify myself, right there? We'll come back to that. ;-)) While I'll acknowledge that it definitely ain't the safest way to go......I'M A NEW YORKER, for Pete's sake!!! :-) Myself and countless others do the same thing in this city....everyday.....most with far more reckless abandon than myself, I might add. (Again....I'm justifyin'.) I should also note for the record, that I had my iPod ear buds securely placed in my ears, listening to the ESPN draft placements. I mean...I couldn't miss that!  Anyway, as I'm sure you're guessin', I gets pulled over by two of NYC's beat cops on the corner outside a bodega. Now, I dunno if anyone's ever been pulled over or approached by police officers...but in almost every situation, when you're approached, you almost always have this incredulous look, like, "what did I do, officer?" Like, "what the problem is?" It doesn't matter what you've done or been accused of doing....the look almost ALWAYS appears. So, I'm pulled over, right. I'm heated, fam. I mean....this is ridiculous!!! You're actually gonna gimme a ticket for riding on a half empty street because I was going the wrong way and wearing my ear buds?! Really!? There's literally a crackwhore a few blocks down the street scoring a trick; dudes palming dime bags within eye shot AND a Chinese food delivery guy that is LITERALLY DRIVING HIS MOTORIZED BIKE directly in front of us (the cops and me) IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! Of course, I point this out but to no avail. The officer says, "we're concentrating on you, right now." Greeeeeat. This whole episode takes about 10-15 because I didn't have any ID on me. Also, the younger (more nervous cop) is meekly explaining to me that what I was doing was against the law. Riding without a helmet; against traffic; with headphones in my ear AND without reflective gear is against the law, folks, FYI. That was kinda news to me. I honestly didn't know all of that. Some I did...but not all of it. All the while the neighborhood is coming out to me...askin' me what the deal was and tellin' me how it ain't nuthin' and the cops are wrong. "A yo....make sure you take a badge number, bruh". "Yo man...they givin' you a ticket for THAT?! Dat's that bull, son". Although I'm appreciating the support, I'm hating the attention that this is gettin' (from both cops & community). "I WAS JUST RIDIN' MY BIKE!"

Okay, so they give me the ticket and then I'm on my way....walking down the hill for the few blocks to my house. As I'm walking...though I'm still pretty annoyed from being inconvenienced in that way....for something that was so minuscule to me...I start to reflect on what just happened. I reluctantly consider that maybe if I hadn't been riding against traffic...and maybe with just one headphone bud as opposed to both...maybe I wouldn't have gotten pulled over and given a ticket. Just maybe. If I hadn't broken the law - regardless of how "small" and insignificant the law was to me - it's possible that I wouldn't've been stopped by pō pō. But I didn't do that. I broke the law. And as a result of breaking the law, I received the due penalty according to the law I broke. Simple. I also thought about how I and others around me - as well meaning as they were - sought to justify myself by comparing what I did to the more "heinous" laws being broken around me. "I'm surely not doing things that are as bad as them." Naw!! And even if that notion were correct, perhaps, morally....the fact still remains that I broke the law which is the standard for order in this particular context. Adherence and execution of said law isn't gauged by anyone else's actions or opinions or popularity or feelings on the matter. It's the law.

Scripture teaches that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) What that means is that none of us meet the perfect and righteous standard that a perfect and holy God require. He requires that standard because He IS love. Love is perfect. Forgiving. Merciful. Holy. Righteous. Just. His love requires that He be just. And not justice in the sense, model and practice of how we see it demonstrated around us, sometimes. Naw....His justice is PERFECT %100 of the time. Never sullied. Never untrue. Because God is holy, He is the only One qualified to demand that we be holy. He says for us to be holy. (1 Peter 1:13-16) BUT.....holiness is perfection. Anybody know any perfect people??? :-\ I sure don't. The fact is, ALL of humanity has fallen short of God's holy standard. Ain't none of us holy or are able to be. In the words of Lauryn Hill:

"Every man want to act like he's exemptWhen him need to get down on his knees and repentCan't slick talk on the day of judgement"  ~ Lost Ones

I feel sorta funny quoting L.Boogie....but she was right on the money on that one, Jack. We steal when God says don't. We lie when He says don't. We cheat and covet and lust and don't love our neighbor and on and on and on. We are ALL in violation of His law, perpetually. What tends to happen, just like how I sought to justify my actions by comparing my infraction to what other folk were doing around me...the crimes that others were committing around me....humanity inherently does that, too. We're so like children. Our pride says, "Oh, I'm not that bad." "Sure I'm not perfect but I'm not as bad as him/her." We seek to justify our sin by measuring it against other sinners! Wow! Not smart. Yeah...most of us aren't that bad when pit against Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler or what have you. But try that again, against JESUS, fam and lemme know how you do. :-) When judged against the ONLY yard stick that truly counts, not only do we fail....but we fail miserably. WE ALL FAIL. And we're all deserving of the eternal consequences that come with violating a holy, eternal and perfect law.

To go a step further, law breaking was/is never even the real issue. Immorality is not the problem, per se. It was never the problem. Immorality is a SYMPTOM of the problem. What separates us from God is NOT simply ‘goodness’ or ‘badness’. To put it simply: we're not "bad" because we do bad things. On the contrary, we do bad things because we're bad. What separates us from God is spiritual “deadness”. Humanity is spiritually dead...separated from Him. Jesus tells us that our problem is by no means something that can be attained or solved within ourselves or by "self-help" techniques. The REAL issue/problem is within our very souls. SIN IS THE PROBLEM. Christ didn’t come to make bad people good but to make dead people live. Look, the truth is that there are many atheists who live very ‘good’ lives.....who may do many ‘good’ things. It’s true. But the issue then becomes is that ‘goodness’ then the badge of honor to merit some kind of accolade? Christ says, “NOPE”.  We are ALL lost. Our morality will not change us. Jesus gives us the most accurate description of the condition of our hearts: that they are desperately wicked and naturally antithetical to God.

Now...if it ended there....that would be such a bummer...a literal, downer. I mean, really! But because God is as much love & mercy as He is truth & justice, He took on Himself all the punishment and separation that we deserve. In the body of Christ lay our sin and shame. God Himself, was the ONLY suitable sacrifice able to take on and forgive ALL of humanity's sin - past, present and future - AND defeat the curse of spiritual death. We just need to agree with; take on and trust in His suitable sacrifice as our own. If we'd only humble ourselves and recognize our sin - our propensity for "law breaking" - and accept His redemptive gift...we would then be acquitted of the crime that we were/are ALL guilty of. The result of that acquittal is salvation which for the believer manifests itself in love, appreciation and a desire to reflect His love, forgiveness and truth to others.

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Specks for Big Eyes - To Thy Own Log Be True...FIRST

Read Matthew 7:1-5
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged.  For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.  Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

Okay.....without a doubt, that verse is probably one of the most frequently quoted (or misquoted) and often misused & abused verses in all the bible. Flat out! It's been twisted to mean we can't say someone's action or lifestyle is wrong. From celebrities and reality TV personalities to the young mother on the bus cussin' out her 3 year old son on the bus and all peoples in between - folk are constantly telling other folk "DON'T JUDGE ME!" or "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!!!" It's usually (but not completely) used by people to justify a wrong behavior when they're pretty much gettin' called out on it. Lord knows that I've used the old, "God said 'don't judge me'", mantra to excuse some of my questionable behavior in the past.

Here's the thing, though: #1 - what verse 5 of this passage essentially explains is that we are to FIRST judge ourselves in wisdom i.e. our own life; our own motives & actions - and THEN as a result, our perception may be such that we can properly and justly judge another or “remove the speck out of the brother’s (or sister's) eye.” Simple. As the author Oswald Chambers rightly put it, "I have never met a man I could despair of after discerning what lies in ME apart from the grace of God." Look...the restriction in this passage of Scripture is not meant to stop one - in any sense or to any extent - from ever judging another or prevent the use of legitimate discernment. The command doesn’t take away the believer’s duty from making moral distinctions. It isn’t a blanket statement against ALL critical thinking. “Judge not...”, in context, refers to a final and/or condemnatory those who criticize, self-righteously. It’s a call to be discerning first rather than negative.

#2 Prematurely judging something or someone is no bueno. When we prematurely judge a thing (a person; a motive, etc.) we, consequently, don't leave too much wiggle room for understanding, compassion, grace, empathy, etc. When we develop itchy trigger fingers that are quick to draw and rush toward a premature determination, we don't allow for the possibility - however remote - of our own potential error; our own misunderstanding and oversight. I mean, shoooo....what're the odds that we in our brilliance may actually make wrong judgments, right?....(Warner said sarcastically) ;-) Ignoring and/or being oblivious to our own capacity for wrong doing - aka sin - is the quickest way to bring us to a place of unjust judgement towards others.

One mo' thing...our judgments should NEVER be based on your own biases. Like, NEVER. Just as a rule. Let's not use ourselves and our own imperfect preferences as the standard of judgment & righteousness (or right standing) but rather always…ALWAYS CHRIST. Got it?

Judge, indeed. Just don't be a jerk about it. :-) Just do it rightly, man. (John 7:24) Do it justly. Begin with YOU.

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Monday, June 24, 2013

In Shape vs In Condition - inspired by the butt kickin' I take in JQuick's Bootcamp!! ;-)

Read Colossians 2:8-10
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;..."

"There's a difference between being ‘in shape’ and being ‘in condition’.” In his signature deep baritone, that’s what my friend and spiritual brother - Mr. Jason Quick (JQuick) says. He is a professional boxer and military vet (and phenomenal personal trainer) who just so happens to be in remarkable physical shape AND even better physical condition! I’s ridiculous to watch some of things this brotha can do and does consistently to keep himself in such good shape....and condition. Crazy! His words come to mind every time I hear some brolic, muscle-bound dude brag about their workout regimen or how much weight they can bench. J.Quick would say something like, "it ain't nothin' necessarily wrong with having huge muscles, ya understand...but can they keep up with me? What's their stamina and endurance like, though? They wouldn’t last 5 minutes in one of my boot camps." Ha! :-) JQuick's physical fitness philosophy is that if you are in good physical condition, i.e. heart health, stamina, endurance via cardio and eating right.....then the shape will naturally follow AND remain longer.

I was reminded this morning of how much the modern, 21st century quasi-“gospel message” focuses much on shape and little, if any, attention is given to condition. It’s a pretty shallow “gospel” that focuses more on the potential side effects and peripheral benefits than it does the Cross of Christ and the reason...the why behind it. Tell me if any of THIS sounds familiar:

"Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.  He cares about you and wants to be a part of your life. If you’re sick, He’ll make you well. If you’re poor, He’ll make you rich. Just come forward, accept Him....decide for Jesus and ask Him into your heart. Health, wealth and prosperity can be yours but for a limited time only. Enter now while supplies last!”

Aiight, that last part mighta been a bit exaggerated, I’ll admit. But's only just a little. :-/ I did that for the purpose of highlighting this point: the sad reality is that the prevailing "gospel message" of the modern, westernized church...the one that's getting the most airplay on this side of the Atlantic has humanity’s Redeemer; our Messiah; the living Word and visible image of the invisible God reduced to something like a self-help guru/genie in a bible. Seriously, though. It's cray! It’s like Jesus has become the Hebrew Deepak Chopra or somethin'! All Jesus wants to do is make us happy and wealthy and confident so that we can have our best life, now! :-) It's like...our satisfaction was His primary reason for coming to earth and giving His life for us. And on the face of it, a lot of folks would have absolutely NOOOO problem with that gospel presentation above. I of the it are true. God is love.  He can and does forgive. He does desire relationship with us. God does bless those who belong to Him. However, a faith or doctrine that focuses or is based on the "byproduct" - however legitimate it might be - without giving primary attention to the nucleus...the core; the...ahem the crux (the Latin word meaning "cross") can and most times does lead to error or at best...a superficial, depthless love and understanding of who Christ is.

Look at it like this: similar to how lots of people wanna workout just to get that supermodel body and that athletic physique rather than exercising for the primary - and more important - inward health, there are far too many people who experiment with this Jesus Christ/Christian thing for the unguaranteed and unfounded notions of no problems and an easier life. Oh the rude awakening that awaits! Their putting the cart before the horse! And last I checked...carts to pull horses. ;-) Fact is, Jesus PROMISED tribulations...PROMISED THEM! (John 16:33) God says that the flood waters come for us ALL - saved or not.  So above all, it’s about having a sure foundation to hold you when - not if - they come. (Matthew 7:24,25) A superficial gospel won’t do that. God often allows sickness and poverty to overtake us in order to teach us things that we could not learn otherwise. His goal isn’t to make our life comfortable, safe and predictable but to make us holy. The cross of Christ was not for the purpose of bringing money to us or making us healthy. It was for the purpose of redeeming our souls and the re-conditioning of our hearts. The very real danger of propagating this “gospel-lite” is that it creates very disingenuous, shallow and ripe-for-disappointment converts....that, in turn, either turn into nominal, powerless “Christians” or very embittered unbelievers. The Gospel message with no mention of the Cross of Christ, sin, the penalty of death for sins, repentance or any true explanation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, etc. aka that foundational, conditioning regimen -  is no complete Gospel presentation, at all. I know to some....maybe most...that may sound harsh.....but isn't most true conditioning? The outside aesthetics, i.e. joy, peace, contentment, patience....abs, pecks, biceps and triceps etc. will come.....but they'll LAST only when the inside, redemptive work is done. Be conditioned, y'all. Right, JQuick? ;-)

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hard Faith.....Walk It Out!

Read Hebrews 11:7-8
"By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith. By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going."

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO ME!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO ME!!!! Well, not yet. It's actually tomorrow. But honestly, it's exciting. It is. I'm really very thankful for another year. Seriously. The year I've had has been truly undeserved and truly unwarranted. Trust me on this one....every blessing I've been allowed to witness and enjoy has been because of the Father. And that ain't me being self-deprecating...that's me speakin' the TRUTH, fam. The blessing of another year of life is icing on the cake.

Birthdays, specifically as you get older, bring a certain introspection, self-examination and deep thought regarding your life. You get kinda philosophical in your old age. :-) Such is the case this year with me. You begin to think more about your successes & your failures; the choices you've made and their consequences; mistakes you've made & glories you've celebrated, etc. You think about your life's journey and what you've actually done with it - the life God's given you and what you've accomplished....or haven't accomplished. In the extreme case of that introspection, the results are what they call, "a mid-life crisis". I ain't quite that old, yet. Haven't experienced that one. :-) But there's actually another phenomenon happening more & more in younger adults around age 25 nicknamed, "a quarter life crisis". I ain't experienced those, either.....but I've definitely come close. ;-) In both cases, though, of "crises", an individual has wanted for certain things or actually "stepped out on faith" - as they say - for certain things, dreams & hopes, etc. They begin to wonder if those hoped for and sometimes prayed for desires and promises they'd been believing were true will ever manifest. The thought of, "DID GOD EVEN EVER REALLY SAY WHAT I THOUGHT HE SAID REGARDING A PROMISE OR HAPPENING IN MY LIFE?" may cross their mind. It's definitely crossed mine. Word!
There have been moments....I've had moments when I've sincerely questioned what God was doing (or not doing) in my life. Personally, publicly and professionally. Particularly within this last year or so, with a certain exasperation & weariness, I'd cry out and say, "what the heck am I doing, Lord....seriously?"....."like, what are YOU doing with me?" I look around (and that’s my first mistake) and see many of my peers and proceed to compare the successes that they’ve attained, i.e. financial, familial, etc. with where I'm at and what I've got. Not a smart move, by the way. I begin to doubt the legitimacy of some of the choices I’ve made as they’ve pertained to my obedience to God. Questions like, "is what I'm pursuing legitimate or even relevant?"...."will anyone care?" or "does any of this matter?" Similarly like the Israelites of the Old Testament, I think "why have you lead me out here to die?!" Okay....maybe not THAT extreme...but you get my point. The reality of trials or financial lack or uncomfortable circumstances smackin' me in the face had tended to blind me from what had been spoken of in the quietness of my heart. It's true! The reality of what you see in front of you can be a bitter pill to swallow, sometimes...especially when it directly conflicts with what you know to be true. "If you told me to go forward, Lord, then why are there all these barriers and objections beckoning me to the contrary?"

Hebrews 11 is unofficially known as "The Hall of Faith" because it enshrines men and women of faith who triumphed in their own lifetime. I always kinda get hyped when I read it because I see that their faith wasn't abstract and ambiguous like how most folk used the word "faith", today. It wasn't just "being positive". It was solidly, grounded. It wasn't general. It was specific. Their faith was directed toward Someone in whom it was worth putting. That make sense? Their faith wasn't in themselves or their own abilities. Their faith (our faith) was/is only as good as the object in which it is placed. The saints of old looked forward to the messianic hope and believed in God's promises which in turn pointed to the future Messiah, Jesus. This kinda faith motivated those brothas and sisters to live for God and trust Him to fulfill His promises. Again...I get kinda geeked about it! It reminds me that the great things that had never been done before weren’t done before someone did’em! Did ya get that!? Read that, again. :-) It's a simple notion. Like, prior to doing those acts of faith.....they weren't did! :-) Noah had never seen it rain like that before it happened. He had to build something he had never seen to protect him and his fam from something that had never happened, prior!!! Similarly, Abraham had no clue where he'd end up prior to getting there. They both just heard and obeyed. That takes faith, man! That’s takes vision and the willingness to walk in that vision! I'm sure it wasn't easy for them by any stretch of the imagination. It takes a willingness to appear absurd by your peers; naïve by your elders and possibly ostracized by everyone else. It definitely takes more than just a nominal, general belief in God. It takes a steadfast conviction and trust in His Way, His truth, His power & sovereignty and His loving wisdom. Nominal, sometime-ey faith don’t leave much room for the miraculous, ya know?

Wanna witness profound miracles in your life, Christian? Exercise profound faith in the Living God and walk it out! If faith is indeed the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen....then the evidence of my faith will be reflected in how I walk. If our Heavenly Father has commissioned you to move forward toward a particular thing - whether through His word or through His Holy Spirit...and you believe that word...then it would behoove you to walk and KEEP walking in and towards that belief. WALK IT OUT!

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Friday, June 14, 2013


Read: Matthew 5:14-16
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Every night before I've gone to bed I've lit a candle that a colleague of mine gave me as a closing night gift for this play I was in. It's really nice! It smells really good and sets the atmosphere for a relaxing, restful evening. And a bruva truly NEEDS it after the whole leather couch fiasco. (see, "NO...SLEEP...IN...BROOKLYN" entry)  ;-) Anyway, because of my consistent nightly usage, the candle had expired relatively quick. It only lasted about a month and some change. On the final evening that the candlewick was gonna be long enough for me to light it, I proceeded as such and noticed that the flame was significantly smaller....dimmer even. I flip the switch to turn out the overhead light and I notice that I STILL am able to see the flame flicker. I'm still able to make out the slightest blade of flame from the candle. Granted it was small and it didn't really manage to light up the room or even a corner of the room for that matter. But, I was still able to perceive its light and distinguish it in a room saturated with pitch darkness.

See the lesson there? I was reminded that at different points in our walk - our light, i.e. our good influence, our faithful service, our salt-like presence in the world, etc. may fluctuate between bright and dim. There'll be instances where we may not be seen as much or be used by God in a way that's elaborate in our eyes. It may not even seem that our light - the light the Father deposits in us - is making any significant difference in the lives or in the areas we desire. However, if we remain faithful to the work that God has placed in us & provided for us to do.....if we keep shining; keep burning for Him who gave His light for us to glorify Him.....we will ALWAYS light up the darkness. Oh it may not be a Time Square light extravaganza all the time. Nor should it be. Otherwise, we'd become the main attraction as opposed to The Father of Lights who IS the attraction. (James 1:17) The fact is that even a pinprick of light can be seen in the darkest of caves. No matter how dark they are. Darkness is naturally exposed by YOUR living contrast to it. Your light; your presence in the world is meant to be that glimmer of hope and that beacon to lead someone towards ultimately point that person right into the loving arms of Abba Father; heralding the Good News of the Kingdom and the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.

So...light up the darkness! by letting "...your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."  Beautiful...:-)

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lil' Baby Cam Faith...

Read Psalms 121:1-3
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills; From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber."

Watching my lil baby nephew's progression from crawling to walking SOOO paints an accurate picture of faith - a believer's faith - in a loving and faithful heavenly Father. Think about it: as Cameron (my nephew AND blog logo) is walking...there are plenty of objects all around him that he COULD look to and grab a hold of to make his attempts to walk - and even his initial choice to walk - somewhat easier and possibly even faster. However, depending on where he is at a particular moment, those objects may not be available to him at the time or even as dependable as he thinks. So, with his big trusting eyes glued directly onto the caring AND capable parent in front of him, Cam CHOOSES not to depend on those objects - those things he sees around him. Rather, he chooses to trust & depend on the one (One) in front of him. Because ultimately, it isn't through dependence on those "safeties” - as legitimate as some of them may seem in the moment - that will strengthen his legs and build up his confidence to walk farther and faster. On the contrary, it's moving WITHOUT those "safeties" and beyond them and rather moving with the security of the affirming presence of his parent in whom he trusts.

As a baby Christian...when we're beginning this walk of faith with the Father...we may feel we need those "proofs". We may need those stationary objects to secure us up and "prove" His goodness, His faithfulness, His provision and protection. And that may be find in the beginning. But as we grow up, fam, it will be a mark of our maturity if we're able to walk & move without such devices and rather lean solely on the truth of His Word: that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. (Deut. 31:6) Because ultimately, fixing your gaze and trusting in anything other than the unmovable and unchanging GOD (YHWH), - i.e. trusting in our feelings & emotions or the ever-changing trends and fads of the day or the current opinion and false wisdom of the culture, etc. - will mean certain disaster. All those things change & shift. GOD doesn't. Wanna grow, spiritually? Live by faith in the unmoving; unchanging King of kings and LORD of lords. Make sense?

True faith requires persistent trust. Trust requires an even more persistent patience. Oh and by the way.....Cam is RUNNING, now...Happy HumpDay.:-)

"When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:11 NASB

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Can You Stand the Rain??? (New Edition version....not Boyz II Men) ;-)

Read Ephesians 6:12-13
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Another rainy Monday in the city that never sleeps. The Big Apple is feeling more like The Soggy Apple - The City That Never DRIES, these days. :-) To those of us who'd prefer the comfortable, sunshiny (somewhat normal) warm, June days...this weather ain't necessarily the ideal situation, ya know? Just sayin'...

Somewhat accordingly, these past few weeks have served as a backdrop for some non-ideal, "rainy" days for myself...some emotionally challenging moments & circumstances. Honestly, my funky mood has at times reflected the grey skies. I admit. It's kinda well known actor once wisely said to me regarding his own life & career, "brotha, if you pray for the rain of God's blessing over your life, don't be surprised to the mud that forms as a result". In other words....don't trip, Warner! This (the 'mud'), is a part of it. Par for the course, ya know? Amen, sir!

Jesus promises(d) few things in His ministry. One of which was/is tribulation. He PROMISES that it WILL come:

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]" ~ John 16:33 (Amplified Bible)
In life, the rain, i.e. hard times, life challenges, difficult circumstances, etc. fall on the just AND unjust...."deserving" and "undeserving". Scripture speaks of a loving Father that allows them AND skillfully, masterfully orchestrates them for His perfect purpose. (Matt 5:44-45). He works that thing (tribulation) like a surgeon....using the scalpel of adversity to cut out all the stuff that ain't like Him and harmful to/for us. For the believer, the primary purpose is for continually humble and perpetually conform us more and more into the image of our Savior, Christ. (Romans 8:28,29) For the unbeliever, it's to humble them, too...pointing them to the only One who saves - The GodMan Y'shua HaMoshiach - Jesus Christ.

Knowing that the Father, Protector and Lover of our souls has permitted trials to happen in our lives is kinda dope because it also means that He's established His perfect plan and will WITHIN those trials...the storm, as it were. (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2,3 & 1 Peter 1:6,7) Because we know that He's good....we can be assured that whatever happens in our life (desirable or undesirable; favorable or unfavorable) will be for our ultimate good.......and it'll be ALL GOOD! ;-) The trying circumstances are just "par for the course" in the life of a child of the Most High God. And that ain't just some abstract, wishful thinkin' or some ole positive affirmation/self talk, either, by the way! No, no, no, fam...we have the living example of His Son - the Word made flesh, Jesus our Messiah to co-sign and affirm the truth of His goodness and perfect will. Bottom line...the choice, as always, is yours: you can either sulk and wallow in the rain, resenting it...or stand and dance in the rain, loving & appreciating its refining power & purpose! Bet! ;-)
Often the words of a poem and/or the melody and lyrics of a song can best communicate what's on a person's heart....whether they've personally written it or not. Sometimes, that's all that's really needed to address a hurt and effectively counsel you through a trying time or difficult circumstance. On several occasions, that was the case for people like King David and King Solomon. (re: Book of Psalms) It was/is for me. Bless up....and enjoy the rain. ;-)

"Stand" by Donnie McClurkin
What do you do when you've done all you can
And it seems like it's never enough?
And what do you say when your friends turn away
And you're all alone...alone?
Tell me, what do you give when you've given your all
And it seems you can't make it through?
Well you just stand when there's nothing left to do.
You just stand; watch the Lord see you through.
Yes, after you've done all you just stand.
Tell me, how do you handle the guilt of your past?
Tell me, how do you deal with the shame?
And how can you smile while your heart has been broken
And filled with pain, filled with pain?
Tell me what do you give when you've given your all;
Seems like can't make it through?
Child, you just stand when there's nothing left to do
You just stand, watch the Lord see you through.
Yes, after you've done all you can, you just stand.
Stand and be sure
Be not entangled in that bondage again.
You just stand and endure.
God has a purpose. Yes God has a plan.
Tell me what do you do when you've done all you can.
And it seem like you can't make it through?
Child, you just stand. You just stand.
Don't dare give up, (STAND).
Through the storm, (STAND).
Through the rain, (STAND).
Through the hurt, (STAND).
Yeah, through the pain, (STAND).
Don't you bow, (STAND).
And don't bend, (STAND).
Don't give up, (STAND).
No, don't give in, (STAND).
Hold on, (STAND).
Just be strong, (STAND).
God will step in, (STAND).
And it won't be long, (STAND).
After you done all you can; after you done all you can...
After you gone through the hurt; after you gone through the pain...
After gone through the storm; after you gone through the rain...
Prayed and cried; prayed and cried
Prayed and cried....
Prayed and cried, oh my
After you done all you can you just STAND.

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Everybody Needs a lil P.D.L....;-)

Read Ephesians 4:32
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

It's summer, fam! Well, almost. If you were to close your eyes, you'd think you were experiencing Seattle in the fall. (no offense my Seattle/Pacific NW homies ;-)) Although the rainy, overcast, coolish temperatures are screaming that it's anything but summer......MY calendar says that in a couple of weeks, SUMMER will OFFICIALLY be here, boy! Other than the warmer, sunshiny weather AND the incredibly shrinking amounts of clothing some will (uhhhh, won't) wear....there's, yet, another huge indicator that summer is right around the corner: lots and LOTS of "P.D.A.". P.D.A. is an acronym for "Public Displays of Affection" which is the social phenomena of being decidedly affectionate towards your "boo"; your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. It can range anywhere from holding hands and sharing loving gazes to reaching a point where you're being cited by the park police for lewd behavior! :-\ As the weather gets do some people, it seems. o_O

There's this quote from professor and social commentator, Dr. Cornel West, that goes, "justice is what love looks like in public". While I understand (and respect) what he means - I get where he's coming from, in context - I am actually more convinced that it is GRACE (and mercy), NOT justice, that most resemble what public (and private) love looks like. Forgiveness - that outpouring of mercy - is a gift that comes from grace emanating from love. Therefore, if there is no love, there is no genuine forgiveness. Consistently being and living and exercising grace and mercy are what love REALLY looks like in public.
For it was by love via grace - [a giving of (i.e. blessing, gift, forgiveness) what you don't deserve] AND mercy - [withholding of (i.e. natural consequences, justice) what you absolutely DO deserve] that inspired the most loving act ever committed on that day at Calvary by our Loving Savior, Christ Jesus.(1 John 3:16; 4:10, 11-16, 19)

Happy Friday, y'all! Publicly Display Love (P.D.L.), today....and er'ryday! ;)

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"D'evils" Of Our Heart - inspired by Gandhi, Jay-Z and 'The Matrix'!?!? ;-)

Read Romans 7:18
"For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not."

Read Psalms 16:2
"O my soul, you have said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.'”

The other night, I was watching this movie - this brilliant movie called, "Gandhi".  It was a bio-pic about the life of Mohandas Gandhi - the famed Hindu leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule who through a philosophy of nonviolent protest led India to independence. It's one of my absolute faves! The title character was played beautifully and convincingly by Sir Ben Kingsley. Towards the final climax of the film, Gandhi explains this beautiful truth to a room of men regarding the unrest and violence that was taking place around them. He explains, "The only devils in this world are those running around in our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought." Wow, man! What a profound statement! Truly. If only he’d allowed that acknowledgement to travel a little further down the road, maybe he would've eventually seen that it was for those very "devils" or sin within our own hearts that Jesus Christ came to die and ultimately cleanse us from.

See, it wasn't simply the sins that we commit - our unrighteous deeds & actions - that separated us from God. On the contrary, those were merely outward indicators; an inevitable result of the depraved condition of our hearts. What primarily separates us from a holy and just God is our inward nature and our rebellious hearts. You see, Christ didn't come to make 'bad people', good. He came to make dead people, live. Fam, Jesus didn't come simply to challenge us to set our wrongs right and then give us doctrine to live a better life. He did what no one else could or would do: He literally became sin so that He might destroy the sin within us. “For our sake God made Christ to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” ~ 2 Cor. 5:21

That make sense? Remember that final part in the last "Matrix" movie (Matrix: Revolutions) where Neo becomes the virus Smith in order to destroy the virus (sin) Smith. Boom! We were ALL born with hearts inclined toward sin. In the book of Psalms, David says,
"Behold, I was brought forth in [a state of] iniquity; my mother was sinful who conceived me [and I too am sinful]." ~ Psalm 51:5 AMP

So you see....being "good" and doing "good works" - while morally sound, to be sure - doesn't remedy the issue of our hearts. That's what needs fixin'. No amount of changing your thought patterns or your patterns of behavior or how you emotionally process this world will make you "right". A change of mind only temporarily and superficially "fixes" the acting out of sin....but not the problem in our hearts. The cancer is both external AND internal. I should also note that it is very easy to point out the evil in the world around us...but have YOU recognized the evil in your own heart? At the core of the problem of evil in the world is the problem of evil within us....ALL of us. If you want to pause long enough to raise the question of “Why is there evil in this world?”, you would do well to first try and find an answer to the evil within. That's where the problem begins.
Humanity has a massive and terminal heart condition in the extreme sense. It's totally degenerate! But Hosanna to God's unblemished Lamb....our Salvation: Jesus our Messiah!!! For it was Christ and Christ alone that would/could be the only suitable, perfect and holy sacrifice to cleanse us - once and for all - from within....from the devils in our heart.

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Altered Calls

Read Psalms 49:7-8
"No man can by any means redeem his brother Or give to God a ransom for him- For the redemption of his soul is costly, And he should cease trying forever..."
Read Galatians 3:13 Amplified Bible
"Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified)..."

So, I was in church a few Sundays, ago, right. After the worship section of the service, there was an altar call. Now, an altar call (for those who don't frequent "The Sunshine Baptist Church of Every Corner in Brooklyn Fellowship" ;-)) is the call of the sinner to Christ that church fellowships often extend to the unsaved folk or sometimes also to people who wish to re-commit their lives back to Christ. So, the minister extending the invitation gently yet repeatedly says that "Jesus died for our sins"; "Jesus died for our sins". Over and over again, she kept repeating it...about 3 or 4 times. "Jesus died for our sins". And it got me to thinkin' 'bout a couple things.
#1) It got me to thinkin' about how that phrase "Jesus died for our sins" has unfortunately taken on a "common status" for a lot of people. It's become so familiar, ergo hollow, for a vast majority of people over here in the western hemisphere - devoid of the depth that it truly deserves. Through no fault of it's own, mind you. This simple yet extremely profound phrase has become so familiar & "regular" for folk, that sadly it isn't given the consideration that it deserves and is consequently disregarded....I know this cuz it was that way for me for many years. Look...if a person thinks they know or understands something, already - they're far less willing to give it a second thought. It's true. If I already am convinced in my mind that I know whassup...why listen? The phrase is far too often said and heard without any real thought about what it means, that I imagine it sadly just becomes contemptible noise; empty words without any real significance to the hearers AND just formality to those who communicate it without understanding. Again....I know it was that for me. In alotta folks’ eyes, the phrase has kinda attained the spiritual depth of a, "God bless you" after someone sneezes! Smh That's CRAZY! It's sad. That should not be.

THAT thought, segued into this thought:

#2) See...not only did Jesus die for our sins.....but more importantly, He preeminently died for our SIN.....that’s just with the ‘N’ ‘s’. See, there's a huge difference there that often goes unchecked and leads to misunderstanding - tragic misunderstanding, in fact - regarding salvation and the Gospel message. And it ain't just semantics, either. Look, the distinction is made that not only did Jesus (Y'shua) die for the daily, moment by moment transgressions we commit with our hands and minds and so forth....but also for the inherent sin within each of us that rules our disposition and defines our nature. ALL of us. Sin is the great equalizer....none are exempt. It puts us all on the same level. You often hear people say, "well, nobody's perfect". Well that sentiment is truer than a mugg, fam!!! Truer than you think....and then some.
Sin is more than moral irregularity. It's a disposition to follow one's own way rather than God's way. Sins must be forgiven. Sin must be cleansed...washed out. Scripture never uses the word "forgive" in connection with sin. By His grace, Jesus went to the Cross to free us from the power and pollution of the base, carnal nature of sin within each of us. Even on our best day, y’all....our nature is depraved and opposed to Him and His way. Again...the “nobody's perfect" adage is truer and goes farther than you think. In Scripture, our disposition of sin is described as "enmity (or hostility) with God". Our whole situation is antithetical to Him. Look, the fact is....Christ didn't come simply to give rules and dogma to stop doing bad things and to begin doing good things. No, see that would be like a surgeon prescribing cough medicine to a person who suffers from a debilitating cough brought on by lung cancer in the hopes that it would treat the tumor inside. Jesus didn't come just to treat the symptoms....He came to KILL the TUMOR! SIN is the tumor, y’all. He didn't come to make bad people good but to make dead people (dead in sin) LIVE!
We're ALL fallen humanity.....and the Son of Man ultimately came to repair the fellowship between Holy God and sinful man by first redeeming our hearts back to Him - making them good according to His image. I nor you are capable of doing that. Scripture explains that "if we confess our sins (not sin), He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (not sin), and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (our disposition to sin that rules our human nature). (1 John 1:9)
Jesus died for our sins, indeed....but it is our sin nature (the tumor) NOT our actions (the symptoms) that are numero uno on God's redemptive/repair "To-Do" List. Make sense? Solid! :-) 



"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)