Saturday, April 7, 2018

Chipotle and Grace

Read Romans 3:22‭-‬23 ICB

"God makes people right with himself through their faith in Jesus Christ. This is true for all who believe in Christ, because all are the same. All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory."

So, yesterday on my lunch break, -- after discovering that I didn't have what I needed to prepare my lunch nor the time to buy and cook something -- I instead took myself to Chipotle Grill!!! I had an hour and it was right around the corner! So, I'd bike there, right quick, pick up something and eat before having to be back to work. Bet! While in line, I observed a guy (most likely homeless) soliciting folks for money or food or something. After getting nowhere with the first guy, he goes to another guy standing behind me and then a woman standing behind him. Finally I just asked the brother, “Aye homie, can I get'chu something? What'chu want?” Long story short, I bought him some food -- his costing more than mine, btw (I'll reference that a lil later) - and then explained briefly to him why I was giving this to him (not because I'm a “good person” but rather cuz God through Christ also gave ME what I didn't deserve nor could pay back). After I purchased his and mine, I told him to enjoy his food and then left to head back to work. Ok, cool story, Warner - but why are you telling me this?" I'm glad you asked! I'm telling y’all this in NO WAY to broadcast the “good deed” (Matt. 6:1). It's rather to share a bit if insight that was reaffirmed, as a result of the experience.

The guy whom I was giving the opportunity to give to stunk! He smelled really bad. He was dirty, looked disheveled; clothes torn & tattered and he appeared hung over. He definitely was abusing substances -- his eyes were puffy and speech slurred. He slobbered. There was a steady stream of snot flowing outta his nose. As I mentioned, his order ended up costing more than mine because he didn't eat this and he wanted that AND with extra meat and yada, yada, yada. He began to become a bit of a nuisance for the servers who were trying to serve he and I while also trying to move on and serve the customers waiting behind us. For someone who was so hungry, he was mighty selective. Entitled, maybe. After I dapped him up, gave'em a hug and proceeded to head out the restaurant -- with all those descriptives I just used to describe him -- d’ya know who he reminded me of? ME! Myself, particularly, in relation to God and what my condition was before AND during my journey to Jesus Christ. I, like many of you, may not have necessarily looked impoverished or “strung out” on the outside -- especially in relation to everyone else. But on the inside; from the perspective of God's holiness, myself...and YOU were destitute, bruh. Ugly. Wretched. Depraved. Gross and disgusting. Jeremiah 17:9‭-‬10, puts it like this:

“The heart is hopelessly dark, wicked and deceitful above all things. And it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it [perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind]? But I, God , search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be.”

See, we may have looked put together and well-adjusted...but nah. God saw us for exactly who we truly were.

Mark 7:21-22 says,

“For from within the hearts of men come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, arrogance, and foolishness.”

And Romans continues to affirm this by stating:

“As it is written and forever remains written, “There is none righteous [none that meets God’s perfect standard], not even one. “All have turned aside (wandered) from God's ways, together they have become depraved, unfit, useless; There is none who does good, no, not one.” ~ Romans 3:10‭, ‬12

Look...from God's holy, righteous and perfect vantage point...all of us….ALL of humanity looks exactly like, if not worse than, that brother who I had the privilege of buying food for. Outside of the righteousness of Christ that covers all those who've trusted in and relied on His sacrificial death on their behalf for the removal of the stain of sin...we ALL stink. I mean, we REALLY REEK of depravity. That’s true of our families, our enemies; young, old; those we like and those who don't like us. Compared to Jesus, we are ALL EVIL. And consequently, THAT is the holy standard; the measuring rod that God judges all of humanity by. We all fall short of God's glory. (Romans 3:23) As result of the fall, we've all become conscientious victims - both, participant AND patsy of our sin. Additionally, not only do we not deserve God's grace and forgiveness, but most...nah, ALL OF US (if we're honest) aren't as grateful as we should be for God's grace. In fact, we're pretty entitled. We don't deserve His goodness. We deserve His wrath. Yet, because of His mercy, we've been spared that wrath and gifted...GRACED with forgiveness. Because of His enormous love, He's given us what we needed but could never, ever earn: HIMSELF. We get redemption and connection back to God. All of this is given to us undeservedly; without any ability to pay it back. However, what we HAVE been tasked to do in response to that gift of grace is to freely give what we've been freely given: love, forgiveness, patience, etc…PARTICULARLY to those we believe DON'T deserve it. After all, grace ain't grace if you deserve it or can earn it.

I've heard once before that Christianity is akin to one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread. True dat! We're all like that man in Chipotle. We're more like him than we know  or are willing to admit. The Christian -- the Jesus follower is simply the beggar who's received the Bread (of Life) and in gratitude and humble service, points others to it (Jesus).

Grace and Chipotle....give'em freely as you've been freely given!

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