Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fear Not…

Read Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.” (Amplified Bible)
So for about 5 days, I volunteered my time to accompany some inner city teens on a trip to a camp site in upstate NY where they could experience a bit of fun, fresh air and participate in activities that they wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to take part in. One of these activities was the ‘High Ropes Course’. This obstacle course consisted of strong, thick ropes placed high...EXTREMELY high above campgrounds. The ropes are tied, bolted and then linked to trees that are several feet away from each other. The adventurous person must walk across the single rope holding tightly onto other support ropes. As a safeguard, they are given helmets to wear and a tight harness which prevents one from plummeting to the ground should any foot slip off the single rope. Exciting, isn’t it!? The course -- which takes about 15-20 minutes to complete depending on your skill and fitness level -- ends with a leap (of faith) off of a small ledge to the ground while being held by the harness and climbing rope. Needless to say, the course is strenuous and intimidating. It engages core, arm and leg strength while also testing your balance and focus. If you weren't sure of any fear of heights...the course definitely uncovers that fear! So, of course I had to try it!
The course had two separate paths: one longer than the other but the shorter requiring more upper body strength. So I begin with the shorter. Admittedly, it was a bit of a challenge, strength-wise. The final leap off the ledge was also more challenging than I'd thought. But I eventually got through it. So without much thought, I decide to attempt the other, longer course. I get about 5 minutes in and I begin to feel fear. Like...real, thick fear. It wasn't panic, per se. But I was definitely acutely aware of my heart beating faster and my breaths becoming shorter. I was legitimately afraid. My face didn't telegraph my fear but I absolutely considered turning back. I knew I couldn't, though. But then all of a sudden, an odd thing began to happen. I began to giggle to myself. I started to quietly myself. With a grin on my face, I began taking deep breathes to calm myself, slow my heartrate down and regain composure. What happened in that moment, you ask? Welp...I began to acknowledge the illegitimacy; the irrationality of my fear. I remembered what the instructor had told me as he strapped on and helped tighten my harness. He stated emphatically that these ropes were able to hold well over 500 pounds. So my 170 or so pounds were a non-issue. Also, in the event that I were to lose my balance and slip off the rope or if even I were to get tired and deliberately fall of the path, the harness that I was wearing was more than capable to easily hold me up and carry me. In fact, that’s what it was there for. And don't get me started on the strength of the trees that the ropes were bolted and fastened onto. They were huge! Point is: there was literally NOTHING to fear. Sure if I’d thought hard enough, I could’ve come up with something. But generally speaking, the fear that I experienced on this course was totally without merit!!
That ropes course experience reminded me of the journey of a believer. God -- our Creator and Loving Father -- instructs us...COMMANDS us, even not to fear. In fact, the command for us to “fear not”, “be not afraid”, “do not be afraid”, “do not fear” etc. appear over 100 times in the Bible! You'd think we'd believe Him after the first dozen times. Nevertheless, God instructs us to not be afraid because in Him, we truly have nothing to fear.
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10 NLT
He says that He will hold those who are His with His hand. Much like the harness on the ropes course, even in the event that we were to slip or deliberately veer off the path, His gracious and victorious hand -- His right hand which signifies power & strength -- would uphold us.

When I was on the course and I was aware of my fear. I felt how it affected my body. I felt my trembling; my anxious heartbeat; my breath. I couldn't imagine feeling this way for more than a minute or two. I’d imagine that going too long with that level of anxiety might actually affect my health. And yet sadly there are those, young and old, who willingly experience this feeling daily...for years. Our bodies were never meant to hold on to such anxiety over prolonged periods of time. God knows this. He tells us to trust Him. He tells us not to fear. Not because there aren't dangers around or courses and obstacles to traverse…but because He is the God Who loves us and is control. He holds the world within the palm of His hand and has authority and dominion over every aspect of creation. Surely He can manage my life and yours. In Him -- within the harness of His love, care and wisdom -- we truly have nothing to fear. So…FEAR NOT...

"Diary of a Mad Christian: A Cross Reference" is available on & and ALL E-Reader devices (iPad, Kindle & Nook)

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"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

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